"has the judgment, he has the intellect, which no one doubts, and I guarantee you he has the steel in his spine to lead this country of ours out of the deep hole we have dug ourselves into."
Simultaneously, he criticized Bush and McCain's inability to understand the situation in Iraq.
"President Bush and Sen. McCain lump all the threats together," said Biden. "Al Qaeda, the Shia militia, listen to them speak. Listen to my friend Joe Lieberman, and he really is a friend, listen to them speak. Find me a distinction that they make. As a consequence of this profound confusion they make profound mistakes. The idea that al Qaeda will cooperate with the philistine, a guy who in fact used to run the country in Iraq, the guy who did away with the caliphate... is completely contrary to anything that the now-dead leader of Iraq had in mind. It's dangerous. How can we run a sound foreign policy without understanding these decisions? How can we talk about a Shiite-dominated nation cooperating with a Sunni dominated Wahabi sect of Islam as if they had anything in common? Yet listen to my friends, listen to the president, listen to Joe Lieberman, listen to John McCain. Ladies and gentlemen, if they can't define the enemy we are fighting it is very difficult to define whether we have won or lost."Here we have two intellectual giants; both Obama and Biden have taught Constitutional Law. We have Obama graduating with honors from Harvard Law, and has taught Law at the University of Chicago. There he has mingled with many of the top University of Chicago Economists, gaining insights about economic policies, theories and what makes pragmatic policy to influence individuals and change. If you think I am referring to Behavioral Economics, then you have hit it on the nail! Economists such as Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein had a profound influence on Obama.

As I watch the coverage, I was also struck by what a strong case they make for representing family values. Both candidates are family men, Biden in particular having suffered a tragedy early on in his career, losing his young wife and daughter in a car accident. Biden, rather than living the political life in DC, commuted on the train every day to be with his sons, and later when he remarried with his second wife and daughter. What affected me in particular was the touching scene as Biden said goodbye to his family, where he hugged and kissed his mother goodbye, then did it again after hugging his granddaughters good-bye. Here is a man who really respects and honors his mother, and his family. You can't ask for more than that in a man!
Sad thing is that all that intelligence seems to alienate the sort of people who vote for guys like Bush. Here at long last is the chance to have "adult supervision"! I hope we don't blow it again.
Sad thing is that all that intelligence seems to alienate the sort of people who vote for guys like Bush. Here at long last is the chance to have "adult supervision"! I hope we don't blow it again.
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